Easy Putting System

LinksWalker Sweet Spot

Highly Effective Putting Training Aid
Putting, aiming at a smaller target is more effective than aiming at a regulation size hole. Practicing this way, by aiming at the – “sweet spot” of the hole, over time, will dramatically improve a golfer’s skill and just as importantly, confidence.

The Magic of Practice
Practice with effective purpose. Improve alignment and aiming (aiming to a smaller target).  Putts that strike the Sweet Spot will go in 99% of the time!

Improved Accuracy
Practicing with the Sweet Spot Putting System will save strokes, as many as 3 per round just by eliminating three putts. Routine use of the Sweet Spot Putting System will improve your stroke, aim and alignment and especially your confidence!

How Does It Work?

what_is_sweet_spot1The sweet spot” of the golf hole is the center portion of the hole, where a putt will drop in the hole 99% of the time. LinksWalker has represented this “sweet spot” with our patent pending “Sweet Spot tm”. The LinksWalker Sweet Spot is a plastic ring 2 ½ inches in diameter – that represents the “sweet spot” of the golf hole.

Practicing putting aiming at the LinksWalker Sweet Spot will improve skill and confidence as the golfer learns to hit the “sweet spot” time and time again. On the course the hole will look as big as a bucket!

To add realism to the practice of striking the “Sweet Spot”, we have included a ring that goes around the Sweet Spot that is the size of a regulation golf hole – we call the LinksWalker Golf Donut. This gives the golfer the ability to aim at the “Sweet Spot” and see the regulation size hole. It creates a focus point to aim at and demonstrates that the ball would go in the hole as it goes over the edge of the LinksWalker Golf Donut.


We have also added a flag that can be inserted around the sweet spot to catch the ball – increasing the difficulty and realism of the putt. Like putting at a real golf hole – anywhere!


The Sweet Spot Putting System can be used indoors at home or at the office. It can also be taken to the course and used on the practice green giving the golfer more options on the green to practice. It can be placed anywhere on the green giving the golfer more flexibility in their practice time to get ready for the round.

Using The Sweet Spot!

On the course, use your Sweet Spot to mark your ball. Our Unique “Patented” Magnetic feature “captures” the ball marker as you drop it into your pocket. No more searching in your pocket looking for a ball marker. When the ball marker is placed in the center of the Sweet Spot, it stays in position floating in the center.

The alignment aid on the back of the Sweet Spot can aid you in lining up your putt

The Sweet Spot Putting System makes practicing putting easy and convenient. The versatility in the ways you can use the Sweet Spot Putting System makes it enjoyable to practice.

Best Putting Tip... Practice More!

Practice Method #1 (Round Robin Game)

Place the sweet spot with the outer ring around it. Start with a two foot putt. If the ball rolls over the sweet spot it will roll out for some distance. Putt from there and repeat until you make it. Each time you miss it will give you a different distance and angle at the sweet spot.

Practice Method #2 (Multiple Strike Distance Game)

Place the sweet spot on the ground without the outer ring.

Start with a one foot putt. Strike the sweet spot with perfect speed. It will move slightly – a couple of inches. Pull your ball back and putt again. It is now a longer putt. Do this repetitively seeing how many times you can strike the sweet spot. Each putt will get longer and longer until you miss. See how many times you can hit it without missing. If it touches the sweet spot even slightly it counts.

Practice Method #3 (Expert Mode)

Try putting the ball so it rolls over the Logo Man so it stops on top of the Sweet Spot. With the ramp on the outer ring, getting the ball on top of the Sweet Spot ensures proper speed for the putt. You will notice that even if you don’t stop the ball in the middle of the Sweet Spot, you would have made the putt as it would have been inside the outer ring (regulation size hole). Bet with your friends on who can make this putt!

The Magic of Practice

  • Practice with effective purpose.
  • Improve alignment and aiming (aiming to a smaller target).
  • Putting, aiming at a smaller target is more effective than aiming at a regulation size hole.
  • Putts that strike the Sweet Spot will go in 99% of the time!

Improve accuracy

Practicing with the Sweet Spot Putting System will save strokes, as many as 3 per round just by eliminating three putts. Routine use of the Sweet Spot Putting System will improve your stroke, aim and alignment and especially your confidence!

You will make more putts, putting for the dough!

What the Pros Know..
It is More …
Then Mechanics!

  1. Read more break than you think.
  2. Get the speed of the putt right.
  3. Putter face square to the target line
  4. Focus on the speed of the putt
  5. Practice your missed putt

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